We, the undersigned, ask the City of Espoo to take immediate action to address the repair debt of the city’s primary and secondary in order to promote the health, education and good everyday life of children, teachers and families in Espoo.
In particular, we propose:
1. The investment ceiling will be lifted regarding renovation and construction of schools
2. School renovations will be significantly accelerated compared to current plans
3. The necessary changes to the school network are prepared in a transparent way
4. Especially small children’s right to local school and safe school trips will be ensured
The investment ceiling will be lifted regarding renovation and construction of schools
In the Espoo, there is a politically set investment ceiling, which limits capital investment the city budget. With regard to the renovation of schools, the investment ceiling puts schools against each other, and forces to spread the necessary repairs over a long period of time.
We, the undersigned, see that investing in the children’s healthy and functional school facilities. Postponing the necessary repairs to the real estate property of the city is not economically responsible. Also, circumventing the investment ceiling by spending money on leases for temporary space and transporting children from one place to another, is not in the best interest of the citizens.
We propose that the investment ceiling is lifted regarding renovation and construction of schools. We do not take a stand, whether the investment should be financed through the increased lending, taking money out of the city’s funds, raising taxes, or by other means – making this decision is the responsibility of the city councilors.
School renovations will be significantly accelerated compared to current plans
According to current plans, several urgent renovations of Espoo schools will be postponed until the end of the 2020s. This subjects children and teachers to an unhealthy learning environment and leads to long periods in temporary facilities. Removing the investment cap allows faster repairs.
We, the undersigned, propose that the city prepares a new plan that significantly accelerates the renovations of schools. The plan should take into account both renovations, rebuilds and necessary new construction, and the use of mobile schools, type schools and other fast and cost-effective solutions. The goal should be to complete all the repairs planned for the 2020s within the next five years, by 2022.
The necessary changes to the school network are prepared in a transparent way
Many people in Espoo have experienced that the planning of major changes to school network has not been transparent and citizen-oriented. This is not in accordance with the city's values.
We, the undersigned, ask that the officials and the city councilors directing them look into the mirror and reflect, what has caused the peoples worries and disappointments and how to prevent them in the future. We hope that future plans for school renovations and changes will be communicated transparently and multi-channelly in the various stages of preparation and decision-making, and that the feedback of local people will be taken genuinely into account when making final decisions. Plans should also include a child impact assessment.
Especially small children’s right to local school and safe school trips will be ensured
A safe school trip to a nearby local school is an important part of a child's everyday life. School location is important also for children in higher grades, but it is particularly important that children in lower grades of elementary school are able to attend school in their own area, so that the children can go to school safely by foot or by bicycle.
We, the undersigned, believe that the development of the school network should take into account the principle of local school reachable safely of foot. This means that the Espoo school network must continue to be kept tight. Schools in bad repair should primarily renovated or rebuilt in the same places. The necessary deviations from corrections should be carried out at the premises as close as possible or by the transferable schools that are brought into the immediate vicinity of the schools to be repaired.
According to the values approved by the City Council, Espoo is citizen- and customer-oriented, a responsible forerunner and operates in a fair and just way. We, the undersigned, share these values and the Espoo strategy goals for the best learning outcomes in Finland, healthy indoor schools, and the end of emergency relocations. Now is time to let these fine values and goals to guide the city’s activities!
Sign the initiative
The initiative can be signed in web service, mainained by the Finnish Ministry of Justice. You can login e.g. with your web bank ID or using your email. The petition can be signed also by people under 18 years of age. Unfortunately, the site is only in Finnish, so ask for help if needed!
Signatories now
The initiative will be discussed in Espoo city council, if it has been signed by at least 2 % of the city's population, i.e. ca. 5600 citizens. Below you can see the current status.
Take action
Did you already sign, and want to do something more? Great, because the initiative needs a lot of signatures!
Examples of helpful actions:
Share the initiative on social media with your own friends
Share the initiative on other forums, such as mailing lists
Ask your friends to sign face to face or on phone
Talk about the initiative in hobbies or at workplace coffee table
Contact Espoo City Councilors and/or members of the Teaching and Early Childhood Education Board
... or invent more channels!
More info (Finnish)
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